I always laugh because it seems that no matter where Joshua and I live, we are forever driving somewhere else to visit. This weekend, I was in the car to visit my parents.
Before I got to Orion, I stopped off in Peoria to visit Vanilla Bean Counter. We made some gluten free bread for our dearest mother. It turned out okay, just caved in on top. That's pretty typical for gluten free products. Jon G. said it tasted great, and it was a nice mother's day present. Vanilla Bean Counter and I also went out to dinner and stalked a house she might be interested in. Basically, the usual fun Peoria stop off.
After arriving at my parents house later that evening, Jon G. and I chit-chatted for some time. It was really nice. I miss that lady.
Saturday was a long day of shopping. We're usually not big shoppers, but Mom needed something to wear to Tottie's graduation. Oh, she's just the baby, and I'll be so sad when she takes Little Puppy Maia and heads of to Arizona to live. Anyway, that's a whole different story. So, we found something for graduation, and I talked with Joshua several times regarding our split level. We settled on a price with the sellers, so if the inspection on this one goes better than the last one, it will be ours on June first. More to come on that later.
Sunday was a day to celebrate mothers, and we certainly did that. Mom and I peddled our bikes up to church and then left them outside unchained during the service. It was so nice to be back in good old Orion, where you can leave your bike unrestrained and not worry about it being stolen. Oh, Springfield, you've been good this year, but that bike theft has scarred me. After church, we met Tottie and Grandma Bev out for lunch. Overall, a good lunch with only one incident of something inappropriate being said. I'll spare you the awkward details. The afternoon was spent at the farm visiting Grandma Norma. We chatted and had a nice time enjoying the weather.
Today I traveled back to Springfield after one of the best weekends. Funny enough, my graduation from SIUE was on Saturday. What a nice graduation. Rather than spending it uncomfortable and bored in a cap and gown, I was fun and fancy free. Good choice.
Goals for this week include finalizing and mailing licensure paperwork, planning brunch for Joshua's graduation weekend, and working on some Etsy stuff. I have such a nice life.