Sunday, January 6, 2019

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Christmas has come and gone, and it's 2019.  Wow!  Time for a quick recap and few pictures!

The annual Gilbraith Christmas Eve party was moved to Sunday, the 23rd this year.  It's hard to break tradition, but it was nice to have a little more time to enjoy everything.  We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas morning at home.  All three children were excited and happy.  We did have a few tears from Charlotte.  Apparently through observation, she learned enough about Santa to expect him to come.  Well, Santa doesn't come to our house.  I thought I had another year to explain to her about Santa.  Well, she was quite disappointed that there was no Santa at our house.  When told he is pretend, she adamantly declared that he has reindeer!  So funny and so sweet!

After the morning of gifts, we made it to Orion for lunch, more gifts, and our inaugural Christmas recital.  What a fun day it was.  All five grandchildren are old enough to enjoy a party, which was great.  Mom made a delicious and enormous lunch.  I felt a little guilty about rolling in to such a great party and doing absolutely nothing to contribute (not too guilty)!  Our recital was small but fun.  Forrest began online piano lessons in September, and I wanted right away to give him the idea that playing for others is a way to spread joy.  I then roped the other family members into my scheme.  Forrest played Jingle Bell Rock, and I played It Came Upon a Midnight Clear.  Other instruments were shared including homemade drums, a trumpet, harmonica, and xylophone.  Thank you to everyone for joining in the recital.  (Don't put your instruments away; the spring recital is just around the corner!)

It was indeed a blessed and happy day.  After getting home, sickness cycled through our family for the next few days, unfortunately, but we were able to ring in the new year with fun times, too.  Polly and Grandma Letty visited from Florida.  We all had a great time at a hotel with lots of swimming and pizza. 

Now we're already six days into 2019, and I've been thinking more about resolutions this year than I usually do.  I'm not sure I'm ready to make any bold statements, but I do pray that 2019 continues to bless our family.  I hope that I can continue to mother my children as best I can; I hope that I can learn more about myself and what goals I have personally, now that my baby has grown into a less-needy toddler, and I hope that Joshua and I continue to work as an amazing team, facing whatever challenges come our way.  So, nothing too crazy, but I do pray that it will be a year of growth and learning for us all. 

Growth and learning is beginning in a big way tomorrow.  After a very bumpy past few months at school, Forrest will move to the elementary classroom tomorrow.  We are hopeful that this change,
which brings with it new teachers and a more challenging academic setting, along with self-regulation strategies we've been putting into place and practicing will result in more peaceful days.  Also tomorrow, Charlotte will begin school in the primary classroom that Forrest is leaving.  I seem to be having a harder time letting her go than I did with Forrest.  I'm chalking it up to having a lot on my mind when I sent Forrest (expecting a new baby and buying a house/moving).  I know Charlotte will thrive at school, but I will miss her at home.  Yes, any positive thoughts and prayers you could send our way over the next days and weeks as we settle into our new routine would be appreciated!

Okay, 2019, we're as ready as we're going to be!